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Infrared color cemetery grave stone head markers, son, father, mother, family. CONCEPT STOCK PHOTOS
- Filename
- 0042D185.jpg
- Copyright
- Tolbert Photo LLC
- Image Size
- 5387x3600 / 4.7MB
ancient apparition architecture architectural atmosphere bas relief belief bury buried burial calm cemetery cemetary commemorate commemorative custom dead death deceased demise destination dying eerie end ending epitaph eternal expire fantasy final funeral ghost granite grave grave marker gravestone graveyard grief grieving hallowed icon iconic haunt haunted haunting headstone honor honour lonely loneliness memorial memory memories mood moody monument mourn mournful mystery mystical mysterious necropolis object ossuary park pass away phantom plot relic religion religious remember remembrance rest ruin sad sadness sanctuary sarcophagus sarcophagi shrine site solitary somber sorrow spirit spiritual statue stone supernatural symbol symbolic time timeless tradition traditional tomb tombstone vault worship yearn absolute acceptance achievement adventure allegiance alone apart apprehension authority awesomeness confidence confident conflict confusion contrast courage daring dedication democracy dependability determination endings eternity faith fear freedom good gratitude honesty hope individuality inspiration inspirational institution leadership majestic nostalgia nostalgic obedience past powerful preparedness pride promise protection purity quality reassurance reminiscence security serene serenity solitude spirituality strength teamwork truth tranquil trust
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